


Parrot Bebop Droneとlinux+node.jsで開発した自作ソフトウエア、PS3 bluetooth controllerで出場しました。3ラップ中1ラップしました。途中でクラッシュしてしまった原因は角でスピードを出しすぎてしまったことと、遠くにドローンが行ってしまうと障害物が見えなかったためでした。 ドローン操縦の練習と操縦ソフトウエアの向上が必要です。
Tesla Motorsのどローン

Drone Space DefenseとVRドローンシミュレータ
 Drone Space DefenseとVRドローンシミュレータのデモをしたところ、ドローンレースをしている人達から大好評でした!

Drone Race

I participated in the drone race as a drone racer.
This was my first time to participate in the drone race.

I participated with bebop drone + Linux PC + bluetooth ps3 controller + node.js drone control software which I developed.
I did 1 of 3 laps. The reason my drone crushed in the race is, I got too acceleration in the corner, and I didn't use FPV so I can't avoid the objects when the drone are in the far place. I need practice and better flight software to control the drone.
Tesla motors Drone
DIY Drone
rover robot
Demo of Drone VR Simulator
I did a demo of Drone Space Defense and the VR Simulator. I could provide flight experience as well as the drone flight experience with my product in the Drone Race.




ドローン含む新しい無線LAN企画(5.7GHz)がロボットドライバーライセンス付きでできるようです。ロボットは画像を見ながらリアルタイム制御、さ らにソフトウエア開発上IP接続を使う必要があります。そのため無線LANが適していますが通常の無線LAN周波数帯は他の端末などに使われチャンネルが いっぱいで混信します。この新規格はロボット無線LANの混信問題を解決します。

Baxter & ROS Workshop











Robotics Society of Japan Open Forum

I attended to the Robotics Society of Japan Open Forum.

Robot Wireless Signal

Realtime IP System of Quince
New wireless LAN for robot(5.7GHz) will be opened for licensed robot drivers including drone. Robot is suited to use wireless LAN because we need to see the image and control it in realtime, and for software development we need IP connection. The new wifi bandwidth will solve the problem of the wireless LAN interference.

Baxter & ROS workshop

baxter grasping things with an AR tag
 Baxter is a human-interactive/friendly/safe industrial robot. Baxter can learn an memorize manipulation tasks in the factory by people with extremely simple commands/UI, and have a safety functionality bumping to objects.
Baxter can be easy programmed by ROS & MoveIt! framework and RVIZ GUI visalization framework.

 Super Teddy bear robot

This teddy bear is a humanoid robot. It can dance, walk, and even do boxing/wrestling!

Super Humanoid Transformer Robot

The transformers are coming true these days.
This robot can be both humanoid and spider-alike robot. Also this can weightlift to 120kg, can climd stairs, ladders.

Comedian Robot

This robot can mimic comedian's move. Also the researcher found what people makes laugh is the speed of the robot.

Next Generation Omni Drive

Omni drive enables robot to move any direction without spinning. This Researcher has developed an omni drive for crawler robot, and torus omni for in the sea/mud. This researcher is also developing a transformable drive like a terminator-liquid-metal robot.


Google CardboardのDIY\改造\比較

Google Cardboardの自作を行いました!製作時間は2-3時間です。

- 25mm 3xズーム ルーペ  100円
- 25mm 3xズーム 取っ手付きルーペ x2    200円(不使用)
- ビニールテープ3つ 100円
-水中ゴーグル 100円
-強力マグネットセット 100円
-マジックテープ 100円
-段ボール 0円

Google Cardboardは手作りで500円でできました。




1.毎回スマホをCardboardに取り付けるときにスマホの位置のキャリブレーションが必要です。この作業は面倒です。Oculus DK2の場合キャリブレーションは簡単です。


3.バイブレーション機能はGoogle CardboardにしかないすごいVRのための機能です。頭がバイブレーションを直接感じることができます。Oculus Riftにこの機能はありません。スマホ装着型HMDのGear VRにもバイブレーション機能はありますが、そのバイブレーションは小さく振動をあまり感じませんでした。

4.Oculus Rift DK2に比べるとCardboardは少し画質が低めです。使用するスマホの解像度にも依存しますが、Cardboardのモニターの画質は良いです。

5. Cardboardはオドメトリ情報だけを元に頭の位置を算出します。これではドリフトが発生します。(位置のずれ)ドリフトはVRコンテンツにもよくありません。ARタグなどをCardboardにつけてトラッキングカメラで位置算出をする方が良いと思います。 <a href="http://gogglepaper.com/">先人がいるようです。</a>

6.Google Cardboardに搭載されているボタンコントローラはあまり好きではないです。外部コントローラの使用をおすすめします。

7.現在のバージョンのGoogle Cardboardはズーム倍率の調整ができません。これは多くの人に使ってもらうには適していません。Oculus RiftとGear VRでは可能です。


9.水中ゴーグルのゴムを改造に使用したことは当たりでした。これによって通常は手で押さえないといけないGoogle Cardboardを頭に括り付けることが可能になり、手を使ったVR世界とのインタラクションを可能にします。 僕は通常のGoogle CardboardでVRコンテンツを体験したとき手などでのインタラクション性が低いため3Dモニターを見ていることと同じと感じました。


-Trying Google Cardboard- hardware and impressions

Hello, this time I made a DIY Google cardboard, did a mod , and did a performance benchmark of it.

I used the blueprint of original cardboard from google.
-Original Material list
 25mm 3x zoom loupe(which have 2 lens) \100
 3x zoom loupe with possession x 2(didn't use) \200
 swimming goggle \100
 plastic tape \100
 magic tape \100
 magnet      \100
 cardboard   \0
 rubberband \0

 AlonAlpha(the world strongest glue from japan which glued against the repulsion of Neodymium Magnet, pretty affordable price, at least in Japan)

The overall material cost was \700.(about $7)
My original mod was using the swimming goggle head rubber to make the google cardboard able  being mounted to head without holding it.

Impression/Comparison about Google cardboard

1. I have to calibrate the position of the smartphone everytime when I attach the smartphone to the Google cardboard. It quite bothers me doing the calibration every time setup. DK2 is extremely easy to calibrate.

2. You can't feel direction of the sound and get less enjoying Virtual Reality experience if you are not using headphone or external speaker when enjoying VR contents. Using headphone in Google cardboard will boost the enthusiasm of the VR contents. Oculus DK2 doesn't have speaker.

3. Vibration is a awesome feature for VR in google cardboard. Your head can feel shock of the google cardboard vibration caused from the smartphone. Oculus Rift DK2/DK1 doesn't have vibration. I tried Gear VR vibration(smartphone based head mount virtual reality device), but the vibration was small.

4. The FOV is a little small compared to Oculus Rift DK2, but the resolution of the monitor is pretty good. Also able to feel 3D vision. Looks like the small FOV problem can be solve choosing better lens.

5. Google Cardboard just uses odometry to locate the head position. This will cause position drift. Position Drift is not good for the VR experience. I think it'll be better if we put some AR tag and track the position of the cardboard by tracking camera. <a href="http://gogglepaper.com/">Looks like someone have been done this before.</a>

6. I don't like google cardboard button controller. I think it's better to use external controller.

7. Current version of Cardboard can't change the zoom rate of lens. This is not good because people eye sight vary. Need a variable zoom rate feature like Gear VR for common use.

8. This cardboard blueprint is opensource and just requires inexpensive parts to create this. Very good resource to study/start prototyping VR/Head Mount Displays, even for children, I think. Next time I'm going to make my original blueprint of the smartphone type headmount display.

9. The goggle rubber band mod was completely success. In the normal Google Cardboard, you have to hold it by your both hands, and this feels you're just looking some 3D movie with less interaction. Mounting to your head will make your VR experience better by enabling the functionality to do interactions with controllers/hands. Next time I'm going to use more robust parts for head rubber.